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You can also connect with Nico directly on his Instagram account. @ArmoredPencil

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Our recent posts

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    Mastering the Art: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Reference for Your Masterpiece

    Brief overview of the importance of choosing the right reference In the realm of artistic creation, the journey from concept to masterpiece is often paved with critical decisions, and among them, the selection of the right reference stands as a pivotal choice. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or an aspiring […]

  • Mastering the Basics: Why Every Artist Needs a Strong Foundation in Art Fundamentals

    Mastering the Basics: Why Every Artist Needs a Strong Foundation in Art Fundamentals

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    June Art Prompts: A Massive Collection Art Prompts from Kaiju, Fea to Unicorns

    Hey there, fellow artists! June is upon us, and you know what that means—it’s time for another Art Prompt! Whether you’re a seasoned artist or just starting out, this month has something for everyone. Grab your sketchbooks, tablets, or whatever medium you love, and get ready to explore the enchanting […]