About drawing-reference.com

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Nico Konings
Nico is the mastermind behind drawing-reference.com. He is a digital markerteer by day & artist by night.
In December 2019 he finally wanted to learn how to digitally paint. He was always in awe and inspiration of digital art. Had a deviantart account more then a decade ago. But was never able to figure out how to paint with a tablet.
Driving home from his day job, coming up with all kinds of stories he wanted to be able to make those come to live and thus it kick started his art hobby.
He started drawing-reference.com to help other artists learn how to do digital art. But himself being just a newbie references and inspirational content was the way to go.
Nico loves making coffee on his espresso machine and grilling during the summer, food is a passion which he shares with his wife and three kids.
Paul van Lierop
Paul is our inhouse photographer. He started his hobby in his 40’s. Since then he continued learning more and even teaches others in both photography as well as editing them in software.
Now he works together with Nico in creating references for other artists.

Paul being bored and experimenting with his camera on himself.